If you've been around Fossil Creek for more than a minute, you might hear these words:
These are our core values and every team member practices them beyond my wildest dreams everyday.
Recently we had a team meeting recognizing and celebrating the hard work our team puts in every day. Unloading trucks, watering plants, counting plants to keep online shopping great, serving customers, creating displays and SO much more.
We realize it's time to play hard, too.
My dad was an amazing man who definitely embodied the "work hard/play hard motto. He owned a drywall and acoustic ceiling company and I witnessed him leaving the house super early in the morning, spending his days managing crews, talking to contractors, hauling sheetrock across town, and lots of days my Mom was riding around town beside him!
He definitely knew how to play hard. We took long vacations and spent tons of weekends at the lake with him, pulling friends around on the tube and feeding our tummies and souls. He traveled many miles across the US, pulling a trailer behind his truck, with a map folded over the steering wheel and a Dairy Queen blizzard cup between him and my Mom.
I realized that as hard as we work at Fossil Creek because our passion for inspiring, educating and serving runs deep...we often forget to make time to PLAY hard, too.
Life is short.
My dad lost his life to cancer at 68. But he had no regrets for what he missed out on because he LIVED his life.
That being said, we will be closing on Mondays for the summer! Our retail team never gets a two day weekend and this will allow them to play more adventure or time to rest.
And our core values just might make us more WISE this year.
Work Hard/Play Hard
Thanks, Dad, for inspiring us to live.
Happy Playing!